Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Age of Decadence PC Game Download

The Age of Decadence PC Game Download

The player can choose from eight backgrounds and professions for your character at the start of the game. These range from the gentleman of honor-bound to clever swindler. The player can also choose to start with no history at all. Different backgrounds are very different styles of play.

A background determines the initial ratio of a character to various factions. A burglar, for example, begins as a member of the Thieves Guild and get bonuses reputation with other thieves but the reputation sanctions enemies. Funds are not classes.

 They do not restrict or guide future attributes or skills of a character. The Age of Decadence uses a skill based system, not a system based on class. Characters gain levels, but they gain skill points by completing quests or defeating enemies The history of The Age of Decadence explores several themes: the dangers of a post-apocalyptic world, the thin line between historical fact and fiction,

and competition between political factions.The Age of Decadence is an RPG video 3D turn-based game for Microsoft Windows Iron Tower study, led by the pseudonym "Vince D. Weller". Located in a low magic, post-apocalyptic world inspired by the fall of the Roman Empire, the era of decadence aims to return to the 'golden age' of RPGs, emphasizing choices and consequences and provide a comprehensive set of skills, multiple solutions to quests, and extensive dialogue trees. 

 According to Imperial Rolls, Q'antaar the kingdom of evil and the Empire were locked in a bloody magical war devastated much of the known world. Each side called on both arcane and divine powers, summoning the gods and other beings of immense power whose competence ultimately destroyed both sides. Cities of the Empire, once glorious lay in ruins, and the bodies of the dead were scattered throughout the country.

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