Sunday, November 22, 2015

Cayram for Android

Cayram for Android

Cayram free download for Android APK file. Cayram Download the latest version from direct link. Cayram is a very old game of origin is not clear, and this is the most popular in the Indian subcontinent. It is played on a square board with pockets at each corner.

Pocket billiards or pool-like game. And I made nine black, nine white, a red disc (also called Piecess, cayram men or dogs) in the center. A player plays disc breaks larger and heavier called forward in the package. Players then take turns throwing the attacker and try cayram your own discs in his pockets. The goal is to pocket all colored discs before they bagged their opponents.

 Unlike pocket billiard cue where you play the ball from where it lies in front cayram you put breaks on the basis of their lines before each shot.also known as Karrom. Since the operation angle, Carrom not require elaborate preparation. A simple game can immediately start with two players sitting opposite each other. A spin of the coin sits on who should have the first break.

 The Carrommen must be arranged in a flat position, with the queen occupying center circle, and the rest of the Carromman places around the queen in the first row, keeping Carrommen black and white alternately.

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