Monday, February 29, 2016

Mirror's Edge Catalyst Game Free Download

Mirror's Edge Catalyst Game Free Download

Mirror's Edge Catalyst is an upcoming open-world action-adventure platform video game developed by EA DICE and published by Electronic Arts. It is a reboot of 2008's Mirror's Edge and will revolve around Faith's origin and her attempt to overthrow a totalitarian conglomerate of corporations who rule the city of Glass.

Mirror's Edge Catalyst is a first-person action-adventure game in which players take control of Faith Connors as she progresses through a futuristic city called Glass. Similar to the original Mirror's Edge, players traverse the city using aspects of urban exploration and parkour movements to complete missions and evade enemies or knock them off of their feet.

Players can also make use of environmental objects such as zip-lines and ledges to travel across buildings. When players mark an objective on their map, Faith's "runner vision" is activated and some scenery items automatically highlight in red. These act as indicators to players whether a structure is climbable or not and as guides to lead players towards their objective

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